Our team
Prof. Dr. Christof Schöch

Christof Schöch is professor for Digital Humanities at Trier University, Germany, and Co-Director of the Trier Center for Digital Humanities. His focus in research and teaching lies on Computational Literary Studies. His role in the Zeta and Company project is to accompany and consult the team members. For more information, visit: https://christof-schoech.de/en.
Keli Du

Keli Du studied Digital Humanities at the University of Würzburg and received his doctorate in May 2024. His dissertation focuses on the systematic evaluation of an NLP model, Latent Dirichlet Allocation, which can be used to automatically extract the unseen thematic structure of a text collection. His experience and expertise are mainly in the field of Computational Literary Studies and he is particularly interested in modelling and operationalizing literary research questions using digital methods. Since 06.2020 he has been working as a researcher for the project Zeta and company. Further information can be found at: kompetenzzentrum.uni-trier.de/en/ueber-uns/employees/keli-du
Julia Dudar

Julia Dudar studied media science (Bachelor) and then Computational Linguistics (Master) with a focus on Digital Humanities at the University of Trier. From September 2019 to June 2020 she worked as a research helper in the project “MiMoText” at the competence center and from June 2020 to January 2021 in the project “Zeta und Company”. In 2020 she completed her studies with a master’s thesis on the approaches of sentiment analysis in a medical context. Her research interests lie in the methods of automatic text analysis and evaluation as well as in the area of machine learning. Since January 2021 she works as a research assistant for “Zeta and Company” project.
Julia Röttgermann
Julia Röttgermann studied French language and literature in Berlin and France. She worked for the digital department of french-german media and in the digital and education sector. She joined the ‘Trier Center for Digital Humanities’ to be responsible for the research area of primary texts in the project ‘Mining and Modeling Text'(2019-2023) and workes currently in the project “Beyond Words. Semantic and multiword distinctive features for an investigation of literary subgenres” (2024-2026). Since 2023, she has also been working as a research assistant in the DFG-funded project of the Chair of Digital Humanities (Prof. Dr. Christoph Schöch) and the Trier Center for Digital Humanities “Zeta and Company. Measures of Distinctiveness for Computational Literary Studies”.
Our partners
Dr. Thomas Burch

Thomas Burch studied computer science at Saarland University, Saarbrücken. Ibid. promotion in computer science with the topic “Parameterized specification of circuits”. Research assistant in the Collaborative Research Center 124 “VLSI Design Methods and Parallelism”. Research assistant at the Max Planck Institute for Computer Science in Saarbrücken. Freelance worker at Saarbrücker Zeitung Verlag GmbH, digital media and at the Haufe publishing group in Freiburg. Since April 1998 research assistant at the Competence Center for electronic cataloging and publication processes in the Humanities at the University of Trier.
Former Employees
Dr. Julian Schröter

Julian Schröter was the project coordinator from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020. He was deputy of the professorship for Digital Humanities at the University of Trier in the summer semester 2020. He is research fellow at the chair of Digital Humanities at the University of Wuerzburg, where he is currently working on a history of the German novella based on quantitative and qualitative methods. His doctoral thesis on literary self-fashioning was published in 2018. Julian Schröter studied Philosophy and German Literary Studies at the University of Wuerzburg. His focus in research lies on interpretation theory, the methodological and epistemological foundation of Computational Literary Studies, and on German 19th century prose fiction.
Dr. Cora Rok

Cora Rok studied Romance and English Literature and Catholic theology at the universities of Bonn and Roma Tre and has been a research assistant at the Institute for Romance Studies in Bonn since 2015. In 2019, she completed her doctorate in the trinational graduate school Italianistica at the universities of Bonn, Florence and Paris-Sorbonne on the subject of work and alienation in contemporary Italian literature. Up to now, Cora Rok’s research and teaching has focused on film, literary representations of work and the question What’s the purpose of literature/literary studies?. From June 2020 to October 2021 she researched at the interface between literary studies and computer-based analysis methods in the ZETA project.
Evgeniia Fileva

Evgeniia Fileva studied Computational Linguistics at the University of Trier. In her master’s thesis she dealt with dialogue management strategies in dialogue systems. From September 2020 to March 2021 she was a research assistant in the project Zeta und Konsorten.